One-click checkout


My time at Fast was well... Fast. In the four weeks I was there to better get acquainted with the product I absorbed the data and sentiment around me and advanced the design of key areas of the product in vision pieces.

Simplified Onboarding

The original Seller onboarding flow was set out as a dashboard and this provoked three main issues; data capture was split out too much, completing onboarding took too much time, and optional onboarding sections could not be handled. My simplified reimagining of Seller onboarding allowed for a user to be signed up within a minute by moving all required fields to the first screen and making other sections skippable, therefore also allowing for optional sections to be added such as inviting a team member.

Activation After Sign Up

By creating a simplified Seller onboarding flow key areas of the product could now be skipped such as; authorization, business verification, installation, and adding a bank account. To enable users to complete these areas I created a design in which these areas were highlighted on the post login dashboard.

Other Things

I also simplified the checkout by bringing focus to what's important and completed some more minor work; the filtering of data in the Seller dashboard, downloading reports, and displaying alerts.